Local Flower Shop News
Earth Within Flowers A Florist in Missoula MT, Announces Valentine's Day Promotion - PR Web
Wednesday, March 31, 2021February 02, 2021 Earth Within Flowers, a flower shop in Missoula, Montana, is pleased to announce its Valentine’s Day flower promotion. Melissa the florist, is encouraging local residents to begin the season by planning the best Valentine’s Day gifts for your loved ones. Earth Within Flowers customers can enjoy savings on flowers this Valentine’s day by visiting the website https://earthwithin.com to order ahead of time. Nothing will make one’s sweetheart’s day complete quite like a bouquet of flowers. No matter if a person opts for dried flower bouquets or locally grown flower arrangements, a Valentine’s Day flower delivery is an excellent way to tell someone how much they love you.Earth Within Flowers is a flower shop that provides wedding arrangements and flower delivery services to send gifts to anyone in Missoula and surrounding areas. The flower delivery services are elegant, and use the regional beauty of Montana. Customers will be thrilled on this upcoming special day of the year to receive a beautiful arrangement or bouquet of flowers. The flower shop invites everyone to feel the dreamy atmosphere of love and make the month of February a celebratory day to spend with their loved ones. According to Melissa Lafontaine, “To celebrate the coming Valentine’s Day, Earth Within Flowers – Missoula’s biggest supplier of freshly sourced flowers – is proud to provide an assortment of flower and gift ideas that will add beauty and joy to you and your special someone’s Valentine’s experience.”Interested people can check out their official website for available flowers... https://www.prweb.com/releases/earth_within_flowers_a_florist_in_missoula_mt_announces_valentines_day_promotion/prweb17701384.htm
Pasadena florist: Orders reflect people’s isolation in pandemic - Houston Chronicle
Wednesday, March 31, 2021After more than 30 years in the floral business, the owner of The Enchanted Florist in Pasadena says she has always taken the meaning behind a flower arrangement to heart, whether it is celebratory and hopeful, grieving or regretful. This year, those messages and greetings have been influenced by a pandemic that has kept loved ones from attending funeral and memorial services, weddings and birthday gatherings. “It seems like the notes on the cards are longer these days,” she said. “People try to get what they’re feeling all in one order.” On HoustonChronicle.com: Houston, Harris County deploy new strategies in effort to boost COVID-19 vaccinations The Enchanted Florist has operated via no-contact curbside delivery or by appointment only. Address: 4416 Fairmont Pkwy #104, Pasadena.Website:enchantedfloristpasadena.comPhone: 832-850-7677 See MoreCollapse The shop has experienced ebbs and flows that reflect COVID trends and venue restrictions, but business has been good. “During March and April, all the weddings were postponed,... https://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighborhood/pasadena/news/article/Pasadena-florist-Orders-reflect-people-s-15896107.php
Belvedere Square's Dutch Floral Garden to close permanently - - Baltimore Fishbowl
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Dobbe-Maher, who is from the Netherlands, moved to Baltimore in the 1990s when she married. Long before she opened her shop, she trained under European master florists in the Netherlands, Germany and England, and brought to her designs a distinctive European aesthetic.She told one customer today that she plans to move to Holland, but not before saying goodbye.“I would like to invite all of my customers to come and give me the opportunity to thank you for all you did for me and my business,” she wrote in her Facebook letter.“We may not be able to hug, but we can smile at each other above our masks. My eyes will tell you that I will miss my flowers a lot, but I will miss you the most.”All merchandise at the store, including display fixtures, is on sale at 40 percent off until the closing on Thursday. Susan Gerardo Dunn is the founding editor and publisher of Baltimore Fishbowl.Latest posts by Susan Dunn (see all)Share the News... https://baltimorefishbowl.com/stories/belvedere-squares-dutch-floral-garden-to-close-permanently/
Here’s your guide to preserving and crafting with flowers straight from your garden - OregonLive
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Working from her home studio in Hillsboro, Eliades said having this business during the pandemic has helped her to push her creative boundaries.Anyone can craft with plants, however, and florist Jeremi Carroll and farmer John Peterson said a good place to start is just by looking around your garden.“See what you have. What aesthetic do you want? What are you trying to build?” Peterson said. “See what textures you might want to incorporate into whatever you’re making.”Owners of Pollinate Flowers in Newberg, Carroll and Peterson started a dry flower program at their shop last year. They create arrangements and wreaths made from flowers they grow and dry on their farm, and even sell wreath kits at their retail shop.Carroll said that you can dry anything, but some flowers are just naturally easier to work with than others. Roses, yarrow, statice, Gomphrena, amaranth, marigold, hydrangea, grass seed heads, feverfew, celosia and strawflower are all varieties that are considered dry when they’re alive, he said, so they will dry easily and hold their shape well.“They already have a crispy texture to petals, so when they dry they don’t change structure or color,” he explained.24Dried flower craftsThere are multiple ways to dry flowers, but the three most common methods are hanging upside down, using silica gel and pressing. Carroll said the traditional way is to bunch flowers together and hang them upside down in a dry and dark space. He recommended drying them in the house away from a window, where humidity is low.That method works for many flowers and grasses, but for daisy-like flowers, such as black-eyed Susans, drying works better with the petals and center of flower drying face-up, Carroll said. When they hang, the gravity will close up the petals around the center, so Carroll recommended dr... https://www.oregonlive.com/hg/2021/03/heres-your-guide-to-preserving-and-crafting-with-flowers-straight-from-your-garden.html
How to care for gifted Easter flowers - WTOP
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Soon, it will be time to hit your local florist or grocery store to pick out flowers for your holiday celebration — whether you’re seeing someone in person, or simply dropping off well wishes.This year, florists have seen more curbside deliveries and loose flowers as gifts, opposed to traditional centerpiece orders for family dinner tables, but the desire for customary flowers like Easter lilies, tulips and hyacinths has not changed.“Potted Easter lilies and tulips are very popular this time of year,” said Missy Willson, owner of My Enchanted Florist in Sandy Spring, Maryland. “Stock flowers in lavenders, pinks and soft pastel shades are also popular. It’s a very fragrant flower and the colors are perfect for Easter.”Willson said if you end up with potted lilies, they like to be in bright light, but they need to be kept in a cool area.“The soil should be dry to the touch — because if you overwater them, you’ll kill the plant. Leaves will start to turn yellow and then they start to die.”Other popular flowers available for Easter include daffodils, hyacinth, grape hyacin... https://wtop.com/holidays/2021/03/how-to-care-for-gifted-easter-flowers/
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